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Hi there!
We are Paula and Joana, a mother and daughter duo that started NUUK in late 2014. We combine our different backgrounds (management and design) into a contemporary and minimalist jewellery label. Our main design philosophy is the use of linear and geometric shapes, as well as, delicate and natural materials that create timeless pieces and reflect a concrete state of a modern life and style. All pieces are exclusively designed and produced in Oporto, Portugal, always with a focus on quality and longevity.

Our Commitment
우리는 느리지만 책임감 있게 항상 품질과 주의를 기울여 일합니다.
L' Éventail Ring을 만드는 데 110 분이 걸립니다.

- One product, endless versatility
- Meaningful pieces
- Extended size system
- Multiple colours
You get a REAL and one-of-a-kind piece.

- We refuse fast consumption
- We avoid overproduction
- Less waste
- We don't own any stock
NUUK has a REAL and transparent production.

- The real craftsmanship is slow
- The average time of production of each piece is 120 minutes
- We create timeless pieces
- Genuine materials
Our pieces have REAL quality at a fair price.

- Recycled materials
- Local suppliers
- Dead stock gemstones
- Less shipments
We contribute for a REAL planet.